

Founded in November 2017, SevaTruck Michigan serves free meals in over 35 locations in the Michigan area. Learn more about how this SevaTruck chapter and find out how you can get involved and make a difference.

Serving Our Neighbors

Michigan can only be as successful as the people who live here, but we can’t make an impact on an empty stomach! Our mission is to provide basic food necessities for individuals and families in need, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age or ability.

Our generous volunteers have served more than 22,000 meals, and we have no plans of stopping. Locations include after school events, homeless shelters, warming shelters, veterans associations and more.

Event Photos

Get Involved

Interested in volunteering or partnering with SevaTruck Michigan?
Want to learn more about the SevaTruck organization? Reach out to our team to get involved.